How to Love Your Lenses

Contact lenses are enjoyed safely and loved by millions of people.

 Most wearers won’t ever experience problems, however, if contact lenses are not treated with the love and respect they need, there is a small risk of developing potentially serious problems. 


Ask yourself these three questions, each time you wear your lenses: 

  1. Do my eyes feel good all day long with my lenses in? — no discomfort

  2. Do my eyes look healthy? — no redness

  3. Do I see well? — no unusual blurring with either eye

If the answer to any of these questions is 'no', leave your lenses off and consult your eye care practitioner immediately, who will advise you on what to do next.

Remember that if you have any questions about your contact lenses you should consult your eye care practitioner for advice.

Contact lenses are a medical device and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has produced a guide to buying contact lenses for personal use.

If you love your eyes, love your lenses. Stick to the tips below to keep your eyes healthy and download the full BCLA Do's and Dont’s checklist for both daily and monthly lenses.


DO ask about lenses

DON'T use tap water, or any other water, on your lenses or lens case

DO remember to seek professional advice

DON'T buy lenses without a prescription